Art on Paper: Hazelhurst Art Award 2013 Update
Congratulations to Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, winner of the Hazelhurst Art Award 2013. Her winning entry, titled as the sky falls through five fingers #131 took the top prize this year; and artists, Gregory Hodge and Michelle Cawthorn took the Emerging Artist prize and and Local Artist prize respectably. The show will continue until August 25 when the People’s Choice Award will be announced, so if you are in the Sydney area, be sure to see the biggest collection of artworks the Hazelhurst Art Award has had so far. More information on the website.
Tradition Gave Me a Funny Feeling
Pencil on Paper
I’m very proud to announce that my piece “Tradition Gave Me A Funny Feeling” has made the shortlist for the Art on Paper: Hazelhurst Art Award 2013. The exhibition opens July 6th and runs until August 25th.
Conditions of entry were that the art be made of, on or about paper, and of the 750 entries 96 were chosen to be included in the exhibition. It’s very exciting to have made the shortlist and have my artwork displayed beside some of Australia’s finest contemporary artists. Winners of the competition will be announced early next week.
My artwork will also be available – for any inquiries please contact Hazelhurst through their website
7月6日から開催されるシドニーのHazelhurst Gallery アートアワード 2013 (Art on Paper) 出展作品「伝統から受け取る奇妙な感情」が、最終選考に選ばれました!同アワードでは、750人の応募があり、選ばれた96名のアート作品が Hazelhurst Gallery にて8月25日まで展示されます。グランプリ、各受賞者の発表は、いよいよ来週です!