A Car Crash…

It’s kind of true in a way; you can’t take your eyes off one if you see it. James Roper has drawn it.
Be sure to check out his paintings too.

Ghostly reminders…

Some haunting abstract landscapes from Brooks Shane Salzwedel. Would really love to know how the foggy, photographic effect seen in these images is produced with graphite, resin and tape; but techniques aside, the online folio is worth a browse. (Just wish the images were a little bigger!)

ブルックス シェーン サルズウェッデルさんのアート。空想的でちょっと幽霊が出そうな雰囲気の融合。黒墨、ニスとテープで作ったそうですが見ても全然分かりませんね。とにかく素敵なフォリオ見てください。


Stephen Balleux likes to draw skulls. And he does them very well.


By the way…ところで


Do you know Akira Yamaguchi? Well, ever since my landlord showed me a collection of his epic paintings in a book it’s haunted me day and night. Check the book out here.


The Garden of Painting…

The National Museum of Art in Osaka is having an exhibition gathering the best of the ‘new figurative’ painters : Garden of Painting, Japanese Art of the 00’s. That’s a mouthful. Besides the staple sinister from Nara Yoshimoto, there is some great stuff from O Jun and Aida Makoto. Have a peek at the catalog here. Just wish I could go…


Teramachi report…

Currently in production.

Harry Clarke…

By chance found a blog with some amazing illustrations by a Mr. Harry Clarke. These are all taken from a collection of stories by Edgar Allen Poe titled; Tales of Mystery and Imagination(1923). Scans and kudos go to A journey round my skull. The images speak for themselves.

The Big Active…

Following the peanuts from one website to another,  I stumbled across bigactive.com today. They represent a huge slab of talent and have a great online folio for you to peruse at your leisure. Some big name stuff, but some lesser known but equally as impressive work from artists all over the globe.  Nice big tasty link lump.


Your bike is still burnin’ man…

So, as a fan, geek, otaku, whatever, of Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira; I have found it very hard to contain my excitement for the new Bandai/Medicom project. Set for release in a few months is a 1/6 scale version of Kaneda’s bike tricked out with twin coil, double rotar ceramic whatsimis and light up displays…and a 30cm articulated figure of the anime’s anti-hero Kaneda. Sadly, this set is strictly for the fanatical weighing in at around 600US for the set…(it’ll eat you up and spit out the seat sport).


Something curious…

I often visit a site called Changethethought for inspiration and I always find something interesting from the daily updates. Today was Japanese artist Minchi, and the art coming from Hyogo was so good I thought it worth repeating. Here is Minchi’s website and here is the blog. English and Japanese. Fantastic. It’s like Wierd Science with sack fulls of fizzy sherbet. (Kudos to Changethethought, of course).
