new stuffs…
Just a sketch for future work perhaps. I have really enjoyed the fine pencil work over the last few months, but maybe it’s time to try out some new stuff. In the meantime, enjoy car crush and the vinyl crush.
Ernst Haeckel…
Clicking around on Changethethought again I took a little side track and ended up looking at Wikipedia via Gmunk’s incredible motion graphics work. Anyway, long story short, Ernst Haeckel, German biologist, awesome guy, wrote the hand book on pretty much every biological, evolutionary theory, but also did some pretty fine paintings too. Check them out.
Master of Monsters…
Special effects producer and director, Eiji Tsuburaya was most famous for his work on Godzilla, various SF feature films and as the creator of Ultraman. Recently, a friend of mine gave me the book; Master of Monsters, and I have been learning a bit more about his interesting history and the Japanese film industry in the years following the end of World War II. If your a fan of the original Godzilla or any of the Kaijyu movies of that era, it’s a must read and doesn’t skimp on the details.