Christmas New Years

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.  Have been re-living my childhood with the new mario game over the new years break. The 2 player co-op is a laugh, or a frustrating reminder of how bad you may be at platformers. But then it depends who your playing with. It’s the type of game that can make and break friendships. Here’s to 2010 and happy gaming!

Progress report…

Slow few months at the studio. Have been working on the same stupid pencil drawing since late October and still haven’t finished it. With any luck it may be done by Christmas and uploaded to the drawings sections, then if time permits, which it certainly hasn’t so far, I will have the thing painted and ready for sale by easter 2010. Stay tuned…

It’s Tristan time!

Mr. Jalleh sent me an email yesterday; he was very proud to announce an update to his blog. Prepare drool catchers, visit and enjoy.

Do pop in…

A friend of mine got in touch from Melbourne today. He has started his new online shop and it helping support and represent local artists and illustrators. Be sure to check out the prints and art cards here. There are some stunning images from Jeremy Ley there too! Check it out.

Mergers and Aquisitions…

Stumbled across a few websites of interest. Some were good, others not, but be sure to check out Josh Keyes paintings. They are so good it’s terrifying.



Hey. So here is a picture I drew a while back. If you have visited my Flickr before, you may have noticed it, but for the hell of it I have decided to upload it again and offer anybody a free copy if they want one. Give this link a click and send me an email and your address and I will get back to you AZAP. There are only 10 left (as folks round here have been snapping them up) so click quick to avoid disappointment.

Greetings pathetic vegetables…


I have been a long time fan and admirer of Will Sweeney and his manic troop of collaborators. I own a few of their t-shirts too. Actually, too many.If you like day glow vegetables or are fond of hamburger chainsaw fantasy check his web;