Have been sketching and mucking about with ink a fair bit recently. If you are interested in seeing what I have been up too, check my flickr here.
Amazing…and independent…
I don’t tend to spend a great deal of time on Youtube, but, I did find this little gem today while procrastinating with a cup of coffee. What’s even more surprising about this video (apart from it being just plain awesome) is that it was made at home. Kudos to this guy. You can see more of his work here. Nice little doosy in the background too.
Brad Howe…
Some of the finest illustration I have seen in recent memory. Check out Brad Howe’s stuff on his webpage. His work is inspirational. Nuff said.
The Pink Tentacle…
Unrelated to the infamous purple tentacle…But worth a look for the interesting articles on Japan’s urban myths, 80’s commercials, and photographs of the Osaka Expo in the 70’s. Click here.
こんばんは。Seanの広報担当 鉄子です。
今週末発行(3月21日)フリーペーパーgift裏表紙「graphic art gallery」にて、こちらのTERAMACHI 作品の一部が掲載されます。今回、このTERAMACHI の実寸サイズは A2 とかなりの大きさになります。昨年末くらいから書き始め、ペイント完成までに約3ヶ月かかりました。
上越高田の寺町を舞台に、そこからイマジネーションを膨らませ、人物は描かず、神社や灯籠、お地蔵様、瓦屋根、盆栽 からお祭りまで色々なディテールを織り交ぜながらありえないオリジナルの寺町が完成致しました!
TeraMachi (Town of Temples and Shrines)
Finally, after 2 months of (not so solid) work, Teramachi is finished! I have been really looking forward to finishing this one…even more so to moving onto something else (probably smaller, with less shrines, and very little detail). Hope you enjoy. I will upload some detail shots into the gallery too, so feel free to check them out. Cheers. Sean.
The beautiful decay…
Jacob Magraw has created some stunning paintings and drawings, which have thoughtfully been collected here at butdoesitfloat. Especially like the bubble gum anatomy and candy colours. It’s great stuff.