Japan Red Cross relief efforts…

Visit the website here.

the funk back to the drum…

If you’re in Melbourne over the next week, you should spare time to get down to Drew Funk’s latest exhibit Black Linings at the No-Vacancy QV Space. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it to the opening and have a chat about the work, but caught the show last weekend, and spent a peaceful afternoon looking into his mythical, eastern inspired world. With over 70 pieces ranging in size on display, he has obviously been really busy; my favourites amongst the lot were undoubtedly the larger, layered pieces, each having hundreds, (maybe thousands) of his signature style animals forming giant animal silhouettes in classical poses. Although most of his ‘guardian’ like animals are influenced by eastern mythology and folklore, it was  great to see the ‘mozzie’ make an appearance in a humorous homage to the unsung Australian icon. Drew Funk’s show runs until the 7th of April. For more info, visit the No-Vacancy website.

Opening night…

Thanks to everyone who could make it down to see VISITOR last Thursday. The response was overwhelming! And a big thanks to everyone who bought a postcard for the Japan Red Cross too, all your donations will go straight to the relief workers in earthquake and tsunami stricken areas.

VISITOR has finished, but you can check out photos from the opening at the No-Vacancy Gallery website. Cheers.


No doubt, everyone has seen the news. It’s hard to describe the feeling of distress, loss and general helplessness in Japan at the moment. But to support those that can really help people effected by the earthquakes and tsunami, I’m hoping to get some donations together. There will be some art postcards available at the reception desk, and after the show a percentage of the profits from sales will be donated to the Red Cross in Japan, currently helping those caught up in the affected areas.

After several long months and many a long night, I am very happy to announce my first solo show, “Visitor” at No-Vacancy in Melbourne, Australia. Hope to see you there at the opening, Thursday the 17th. Cheers. Sean.

Sean Edward Whelan初の個展”Visitor” がオーストラリアのメルボルンNo-Vacancyギャラリーにて開催されます。開催期間3月17日(木)〜4月3日(日)オープニングレセプション17日(木)6:00PM-9:00PM

“3-9” in Takada and Myoko…

アートフェア「Thank you art in Takada and Myoko」が3月5日から開催されています。「毎年3月9日をアートの記念日にしよう」という国際的なアート運動で、このたび東條麗子先生よりお誘いを頂きました。上越市高田では本町4の「ギャラリー花地蔵」妙高市は新井駅より徒歩3分の「Studio ZERO」が会場となってます。Seanの作品はStudio ZEROの方に展示販売中です。地元で活躍されている作家さんの素敵な作品をたくさん目にする事ができます。私も先日搬入の為お邪魔いたしましたが、プロアマ問わず置かれている作品は本当に自由な発想と想像力に満ちていて、とてもエネルギーを頂けた空間でした。また深く心に響いた作品の裏側にあるストーリー。たくさんの方がアートを通じて(作り手さんの裏側にある思いの空間も含め)素敵な時間を過ごせますように。開催期間は3月13日(日)まで。鉄子

Tenmyouya Hisashi…

Japantimes have a series of articles up about the annual art fairs being held in Tokyo, but what caught my attention was the striking work of Tenmyouya Hisashi. Check out his work and read about some of the themes he works with here, on his website.

3 minutes to midnight…

Its been an awfully long time time between posts. So to save us from the same old same old, here are a few pics from my latest work for the soon to be announced solo show in Melbourne. With a little luck there may be more information up by the end of the week, but in the meantime…

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone, just wanted to write a quick note to say thanks for a great 2010. Everybody who has given me support over the year, your words of encouragement have really helped me to focus, and urged me to keep on going at it. So a big thanks to you and a special thanks to my wife for putting up with the late nights in the studio. Come March 2011, the fruits of all this hard work will be on show in Melbourne, Australia. More details will be posted as they get finalised, but for the time being, keep an eye on this space. I’ll put some previews up over the following weeks so drop in if you get a chance! And of course, have a Happy New Year in 2011. All the best.


thank you! (p.s. 1 more week to go)…


Mote Show

お久しぶりです!只今、作品制作中で大忙しのショーンに代わりまして、ワタクシ鉄子が近況報告致します!(私の出番もかなりレアですが 笑)来年2011年3月に母国オーストラリア  メルボルンでの初個展に向けて作品を製作中のショーンですが、先月初めに素敵な紹介を友人のチャーリーさんより頂きました。その紹介とは、今年9月にオープンした上越のアートスペース Mote gallery さんです。ご縁ありまして急遽、来月12月6日(月)より個展を開かせて頂く運びとなりました!!!こちらのアートスペースは色々な方に知っていただき、是非活用していただきたいとの事で、そのオープニングのアーティストとして、ショーンを選んでいただきました。Little life の皆様ありがとうございます!



また、ショーンの作品を連載している上越のフリーペーパー Gift の今月号にも詳細が載ってますので、そちらもチェックして下さいね!!!!

Sean Edward Whelan 展 in mote

日時12月6日(月)〜25日(土)OPEN 10:00〜18:00
TEL 025ー545−1707

場所など詳しいお問い合わせはこちらまで Little life


今回初めてこちらのHPをご覧の皆様、トップページの work よりショーンの過去の作品がご覧いただけます。こちらのサイトは英文が多いですが、日本語にて対応可能ですので、何かございましたらお気軽にお問い合わせ下さいませ。
