thank you! (p.s. 1 more week to go)…
Mote Show
お久しぶりです!只今、作品制作中で大忙しのショーンに代わりまして、ワタクシ鉄子が近況報告致します!(私の出番もかなりレアですが 笑)来年2011年3月に母国オーストラリア メルボルンでの初個展に向けて作品を製作中のショーンですが、先月初めに素敵な紹介を友人のチャーリーさんより頂きました。その紹介とは、今年9月にオープンした上越のアートスペース Mote gallery さんです。ご縁ありまして急遽、来月12月6日(月)より個展を開かせて頂く運びとなりました!!!こちらのアートスペースは色々な方に知っていただき、是非活用していただきたいとの事で、そのオープニングのアーティストとして、ショーンを選んでいただきました。Little life の皆様ありがとうございます!
また、ショーンの作品を連載している上越のフリーペーパー Gift の今月号にも詳細が載ってますので、そちらもチェックして下さいね!!!!
Sean Edward Whelan 展 in mote
日時12月6日(月)〜25日(土)OPEN 10:00〜18:00
TEL 025ー545−1707
場所など詳しいお問い合わせはこちらまで Little life
今回初めてこちらのHPをご覧の皆様、トップページの work よりショーンの過去の作品がご覧いただけます。こちらのサイトは英文が多いですが、日本語にて対応可能ですので、何かございましたらお気軽にお問い合わせ下さいませ。
flickr friday…
Dieter VDO has a delicious selection on monsters in his flickr folio, all oozing with juicy puss and all the good stuff. Really love his painterly approach and colour. Splendid spendid! Do have a peek!
new work…
Hi everyone. If you have been popping in recently, you may have noticed a big drop in postings over the last few weeks. Basically, it’s because I’m getting a big body of work ready for something special next year back in Australia! Assuming you are still keen to see what I have been up to, there will be occasional updates on new projects on my flickr page, so feel free to pop by anytime. Cheers!
oversized rockets, giant robots & steve…
Of course initially, I was drawn to the oil paintings of the enormous mechanised jet mole machine, the submersible frog car and the hari hari terror beast by sci-fi master artist Shigeru Komatsuzaki, but then Steve had to go and make a silly comment at the end. Boy were his siblings mad.
outsider art…
Recently, a friend introduced me to ‘outsider art in Japan’, a relatively new phenomenon in art here, and consequently the web started sending me messages and links about it, urging me to post something. So I guess I should. Without going into it too much, why not check out Miyako Yoshinaga Art Prospect Gallery in New York; they are currently showing the work of a few ‘outsider’ artists known for exhibiting internationally and there is also a link to their picasa photo page here. As for me, well, I really like it, and I hope to see more people getting involved in this kind of thing in the future.
flickr friday…on a saturday…
A strange wind swept me up and took me to the bar before I could update the news roll. So here is yesterday’s news today. Still fresh though. Check out Ryan Nault’s acrylic pieces on his photostream. The psychedelic colour, lunar themes and contrasting wilder-beast were all winners with me. Being a fan of all three it was hard to resist a wee post.
lost at e minor…
A big warm thanks to lost at e minor for posting a bit about my work on their illustration pages. They have a very thorough website that reports on everything from film to food, without missing anything in between…plus a slew of guest writers eager to share their newest interest come obsession. It’s sharp as razors so won’t you have a look?
Enter the dragon…
I saw the trailer for this film a little while back but didn’t post anything about it, but in my daily trawling it came up again today. Reading it as some cosmic omen (or simply a trailer link on the apple website) I thought it might be a good idea to share the good news. So let me just a add a little link for you here and let the rest happen naturally. Let it be said, I am very much looking forward to seeing this one. And a short p.s. this clip contains loud music and scenes of a suggestive nature…please be considerate of others in your workplace…
back to work…
I’m getting back to the studio today, after almost a month’s absence. With so many things going on outside of work and the studio in the last few months it just got less and less feasible to dedicate quality time to art and the news pages. Apologies. But check back soon over the next week or so as I get the generators moving again and everything back in order! It’s gonna be great!