Happy New Year!

2011 has been a busy year, and looking back, it’s been hard to imagine where I found all the time! With my first big solo show and a few group shows in Japan, Australia and the U.S., some work on a music video, plus the daily grind of my regular job, it’s been a mammoth year. But it’s all been possible thanks to the generous efforts of friends, family, and the ever supportive internet community. Big thanks go out Gift Magazine and my friends in Joetsu, NoVacancy, BlackArtProjects, Ewan Macleod, Charles & Ford, PanelPop, Shaking Paper and Ghostpatrol in Melbourne, the very kind people at Domy Books in Austin, and the team at ThisIsColossal in Chicago. And to everyone, all the best over the new year break, look forward to seeing what 2012(year of the dragon) has in store. Be safe and cheers! Sean.

metabolism in the buildings…

Mori Art Museum in Roppongi Hills is currently holding an exhibition of various architectural work based on the concepts of metabolism pioneered by leading 1960’s architect Tange Kenzo. Based on his idea to build the city of the future where the buildings themselves could take on some of the features of their inhabitants, growing and adapting to the environment around them, his legacy and the works of other architects he subsequently inspired will be on display until late January next year. With a bit of luck, I hope to get down there myself and check it out, but in the meantime have a look for yourself, here.Mori Art Museum in Roppongi Hills is currently holding an exhibition of various architectural work based on the concepts of metabolism pioneered by leading 1960’s architect Tange Kenzo. Based on his idea to build the city of the future where the buildings themselves could take on some of the features of their inhabitants, growing and adapting to the environment around them, his legacy and the works of other architects he subsequently inspired will be on display until late January next year. With a bit of luck, I hope to get down there myself and check it out, but in the meantime have a look for yourself, here.

interview up…

Hello everyone, the very kind people at Charles&Ford asked me a few questions about my work recently. If you are interested, pop over for a little look and be sure to check out the insights from some other artists. p.s. New work above. Thank you!

as posted on…

Colossal (Art & Design) has uploaded a little about me and my work on their website. Be sure to check out the incredible work of two more pencil and paper artists at the bottom of the article too. As noted before, Colossal is your one stop website for some really amazing work from all over the world.


This guardian piece was done a few months back for a friend (he was very happy with it!), but somehow how I missed the opportunity to share it(?) Pencil on paper. 50x75cm

new work…

Just finished. Pencil on paper. 35×50 cm.


For a glimpse at some truly amazing work from all around the work, visit the art blog Colossal. My personal favourites, the kinetic toothpick scuplture  rolling through the bay (Scott Weaver) and the amazing chain sculptures by Korean artist Yeong-Deok Seo

photo: Tinkering Studio


Black Art Projects and Langford 120 (Melbourne, Australia) proudly present ONE HUNDRED. An exhibition of drawings from 50 individual artists (myself included!) spanning 4 continents,  producing some 100 works representing the cutting edge of contemporary drawing.

Get yourself down to the opening night and have a look. Doors are open at 6pm. Check the links above for further details. More updates and photos to come.

Cheers, Sean.

Black Art Projects and Langford 120 (Melbourne, Australia) proudly present ONE HUNDRED. An exhibition of drawings from 50 individual artists (myself included!) spanning 4 continents,  producing some 100 works representing the cutting edge of contemporary drawing.

Get yourself down to the opening night and have a look. Doors are open at 6pm. Check the links above for further details. More updates and photos to come.

Cheers, Sean.


Well! The opening for Monster Show 6 in Austin was the other night, and from the photos it looks like it was a success and a lot of fun. You can check out 39% of the work on display here, and over here is nice little review from Michael Sieben coupled with advice on child raising. It was great to be part of this show, and I hope to join it again in the future. Big respect to Russel Etchen, who organizes this one every year. Nice opportunity to get together with other folks with a common interest in the grotesque! Monster Show 6 runs until November 8th, so if you are in the area (Austin, Texas) get yourself in there to see the other 61%.

 Well! The opening for Monster Show 6 in Austin was the other night, and from the photos it looks like it was a success and a lot of fun. You can check out 39% of the work on display here, and over here is nice little review from Michael Sieben coupled with advice on child raising. It was great to be part of this show, and I hope to join it again in the future. Big respect to Russel Etchen, who organizes this one every year. Nice opportunity to get together with other folks with a common interest in the grotesque! Monster Show 6 runs until November 8th, so if you are in the area (Austin, Texas) get yourself in there to see the other 61%.


Monster Show 6

Hey folks. Good news! From October 26th I will have a piece of work in the 6th annual Monster Show at Domy Books, Austin, Texas. If you are stateside and feeling freakish, why not pop into the opening. Lots of costumes and tomfoolery. Plus all the creative energy of monster artists both local and abroad. Check out the photos on Flickr or visit the Domy Books site for more info.  ‘Bat Monster‘ by the insanely talented Lisa Hanawalt

Hey folks. Good news! On October 26th I will have a piece of work in the 6th annual Monster Show at Domy Books, Austin, Texas. If you are stateside and feeling freakish, why not pop into the opening. Lots of costumes and tomfoolery. Plus all the creative energy of monster artists both local and abroad. Check out the photos on Flickr or visit the Domy Books site for more info.  ‘Bat Monster‘ by the insanely talented Lisa Hanawalt