Commissioned Work
It’s been a while since I posted to the website, but I thought it worth sharing some new work I was commissioned to do for a friend recently.
It’s great to be asked to create a piece of art for someone, for a couple of reasons – one because it’s nice to be given the opportunity, but also because it can give you an unexpected concept to work with.
This piece turned out pretty good I reckon, and my friend was happy with it too – win win.
Prosthetic Reality
The new Prosthetic Reality book curated by Sutu and created in collaboration with Code on Canvas is now available!
I got my copy last week in the mail, and it is great to see this project come to fruition. I’m super happy with how my submission came out and it’s great to be side-by-side with animators and artists I really admire.
You can get your own copy at Sutu’s store, and more info about Eyejack, the app that runs the the AR on your mobile device, here. Very exited to see where this goes in the near future, and how artists bridge the traditional and digital arts with this tech.
AR Book
Sutu (Stuart Campbell) is a prolific visual and comic artist who has been exploring technology in his work thematically and in the way it’s seen for some time now. His latest project – Prosthetic Reality – An Augmented Reality Art book has kicked off and is calling for backers on his Prosthetic Reality Kickstarter page. I’ve been very lucky to be included in the International 45 artist line up with some amazing people, and from the samples I have seen it’s shaping up to be something really special. If you are a collector, a fan of animation, or are interested in the new space technology is pushing art into check it out (click on the pic above)
Other works…
New paintings! There are things happening in the studio again. Detail shot of new acrylic work on canvas – more to come.
In the Studio
I’ve been working on small scale studies recently. Acrylic on paper mounted to board, 210m x 297mm (A4) – the last of the supplies I brought back from Japan. If you’re interested in purchasing one of these pieces get in touch via my info page.
New Work…
It’s been quite a while since there was any significant news to report, but that’s not to say I haven’t been busy.
Lots of days indoors recently – working on large wood mounted paper pieces in acrylic. This piece was the first, and it’s setting the level for a small series I’m doing on “spiritual kitsch”. Over the turn of the year I’ll have a few pieces on display in Niseko, Hokkaido. More details on time and place very soon.
Above is a teaser from the new series. “A change in fate / 運命の分かれ道 ” 52 x 73 cm, acrylic & ink on mounted paper.
Nothing Sacred…
And here it is (a teaser anyway). Very happy with the way it’s come out. “Nothing Sacred”, piece number 3 for my solo show later this year. Check back soon for more updates
New Work in Progress…
Later this year I’ll be back in Australia for a solo show. In the meantime, I’m pretty busy getting myself and a body of work together. You can watch me on Instagram or Twitter @seanedwhelan
or click on this –> to go straight to the feed.
今年、9月上旬メルボルンにて個展が決まりました!これから猛スピード&一生懸命作品達を生み出します!Instagramにて完成までのプロセスをUPしていきます。良かったらフォロー宜しくお願いします!Instagram or Twitterアカウント @seanedwhelan
End of the World…
I will have 2 new drawings in End of the World – Thursday December 6th-30th, at Compound Gallery, Portland Oregon. If you’re close by, be sure to drop in Thursday night for the opening party.
Above: Fractured Buildings, 34cm x 24cm, pencil on paper, 2012.